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A-Z of waterjet cutting
What to look out for during Build Show 2017
Seminars, workshops, hundreds of exhibitors and international pavilions, the Build Show 2017 has it all. But with so much going on, how do you choose which events to attend and which to put on hold? From the spot line, here at stand B570, we wanted to give you a brief...
Renewable Solutions: Bespoke solar panel and wind turbine enclosure
Here at ICEE we like to say, no power, no problem. There are locations in the UK where main grid power is either impossible or too expensive to get. It’s those projects that we absolutely love working on, as our experience, capabilities and in-house resources can...
How to choose between laser and waterjet cutting?
In a previous blog we wrote about how laser cutting differentiates from waterjet cutting and what are the advantages of each technique. For a quick reminder, have a look at our blog here. In this article, we will examine the two cutting techniques in further detail in...
Difficult applications where waterjet cutting surpasses other techniques
There are no two doubts about it, waterjet cutting is one of the best profiling options out there; it offers quick turnaround, it’s relatively inexpensive and can cut a very wide range of materials with relatively high quality and accuracy. However, it’s not in those...
CEC cabinet: an outstanding natural beauty
While we can all agree that electrical enclosures are not the most appealing of objects to look at, they certainly sometimes find themselves in the most beautiful of places. Not long ago, here at ICEE we found ourselves working on a project situated in a National...