Brand Guideline
ICEE will continuously be recognised by our three colours of blue, seen within our logo, as well as our core values of Innovation, Collaboration, Excellence & Experience. Below is our set out brand guideline that we ask both employees and external media companies to adhere too.
Our Logo
Our logo is at the forefront of our business. It is unique to us, and is recognisable across the industries we work within.
For these reasons, we ask that nobody edits our logo without prior permission. This includes changing the colour, the opacity, or rotating our logo in a certain way.
We have two variations of logo for download. We ask if you intend to use the logo externally, you download the one containing the website link. Downloads are available in our media centre.
Our Company Colours
The colours we use within our logo are used across our company marketing and branding. These colours helps to define us, and make our brand more recogniseable.
We use a lighter turquoise blue, and blue, and then an even darker blue. The colour codes are seen below. As a company, we recommend people use the lighter turquoise blue, as well as the normal blue, for any marketing.
The colour codes are:
Light Blue – #00a0ac
Blue – #00529e
Dark Blue – #0b4269

Where possible, all photography surrounding ICEE should be shot of a professional standard if being used in print or on a website. For social media, rules are slightly relaxed, but we still advise that high quality imagery is used.
Where possible, having the ICEE logo present in the photo somewhere is also recommended. Usual rules and laws regarding photography apply.
Video and Film
Any ICEE video or film must include the following clip at the beginning and end of the video. This ensures the viewer knows it is ICEE related. This clip is not to be used on any video without prioir permission from the internal marketing department.
Please download the clip below.
Internal Documents
Below are download links for employees to use. This includes the Company Letterhead, LinkedIn Post Template, LinkedIn Company Banner and more.
Need more info?
For any questions regarding our company brand, or any of our marketing, please contact the marketing department.