New enterprise Graftin turn great ideas into reality with ICEE

Jul 20, 2017

Makes high-end tables in sheet metal for furniture design company

Company Details

With a big emphasis on British design innovation, Graftin – wittily drawn from ‘hard grafting’ – is a new and ambitious UK enterprise founded by three energetic and talented young designers. Launched in 2016 the company designs and sells high quality furniture and lighting products to design-aware consumers and buyers, respectively in domestic and contract markets, the latter embracing interior design and architecture. Manufacturing is outsourced to ICEE Managed Services. Visit Graftin website


“ICEE are always forthcoming on good ideas and advice. That’s very important to Graftin. At the same time, if I say let’s try this – something new or different – their people are immediately responsive and helpful. In short, they listen and act on what I want. They cheerfully go the extra mile.”

Dan Andrews, Co-founder, Graftin Studios


Designed by Graftin’s Dan Andrews the company’s first furniture collection is the Havant table range, made from mild steel sheet metal, finished in powder-coated colour options. ICEE advises on design-for-manufacture, cuts sheet metal parts by fibre laser and fabricates the tables. Dan’s design features a simple, accurate and economic way of locking parts together for welding – derived from traditional woodworking practice – minimising jigs and fixtures and speeding assembly.


Seeing a market gap Dan Andrews wanted to design a robust and long-lasting table range in a minimalist, industrial style, in sheet metal. Lacking experience of the material and unfamiliar with associated fabrication processes, he sought a UK manufacturer to guide him and act as a helpful partner. Graftin focuses purely on design, marketing and sales, so for manufacturing it relies entirely on working with a reliable and experienced contractor.


Most companies shortlisted did not meet expectations and lacked flexibility, except ICEE. Dan Andrews had met the company earlier in his career when seeking a high quality waterjet service to cut plastic composites. He remembered the manufacturing firm also offered fibre laser metal cutting, fabrication and related services. When approached, ICEE was refreshingly enthusiastic about helping him. It could develop prototypes and then provide full-scale production in the timescale required.


“We really enjoy working with Dan Andrews and Graftin. Coming from a different discipline – the world of architecture, interior design and furniture – he and his company bring fresh challenges to our world of manufacturing. We always welcome that, especially the chance to help a new business flourish and to support UK innovation.”

Paul Harris, Managing Director, ICEE Managed Services


Graftin’s positive experience has led to other sheet metal table products being successfully developed with ICEE. Manufacturing excellence is important, but what also matters is the right attitude from the supplier, meaning close collaboration and attention to detail. In short, a total willingness to partner with the customer and meet all requirements. From the top floor to the shopfloor, the response has been consistent, so results have been right-first-time.

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