ICEE Compliance & Accreditations
Here at ICEE, we have a strong commitment to quality and best practice, and we place great emphasis on the continuous improvement of our services and the achievement of high level compliance across our company sectors. Whether it’s one of our field engineers, production staff or office based personnel, each one of our team members is committed to delivering exceptional customer service, which can be seen throughout our business, from the initial contact with the client, to the management of ongoing business relationships.
Our Accreditations
ICEE’s commitment to a high quality of service and best practice is reinforced by the achievement of a number of essential accreditations. Browse through our achievements and company policies below.

ISO 9001:2015
Quality Management System accreditation, certified by the BSI (British Standards Institute), one of the leading assessment bodies in the UK. ISO 9001 is the world’s most established quality framework, which enables businesses to manage their operations and meet customers requirements in the most proficient and efficient manner. Our Certificate Number is FM 533463.
ISO 14001:2015
Environmental Management System accreditation, certified by BSI (British Standards Institute), one of the leading assessment bodies in the UK. ISO 14001 is the world’s most established environmental management frameworks, which enables businesses to manage their operations and meet customers requirements in the most effective manner. Our certificate number is EMS 551284.
ISO 27001:2022
Information Security Management System accreditation, certified by BSI (British Standards Institute), one of the leading assessment bodies in the UK. ISO 27001 is the world’s most established security framework, which enables businesses to manage their operations and meet customers’ requirements in the most secure and protective manner. Our certificate number is IS 608909.
ISO 45001:2018 (SSIP)
Occupational Health and Safety management system accreditation, certified by BSI (British Standards Institute), one of the leading assessment bodies in the UK. ISO 45001 is the world’s most established Occupational Health and Safety framework. The goal of ISO 45001 is the reduction of occupational injuries and diseases, including promoting and protecting physical and mental health. ICEE achieved this accreditation in 2019 to complete the full set of major management system ISO certificates, achieving a clean sweep result in 2020-2023. Our certificate number is OHS 714318.
The contractor accreditation scheme for businesses. Safecontractor is the UK’s fastest growing health and safety assessment scheme. ICEE Managed Services Limited are very proud to be Safecontractor approved.
We are a full-time NICEIC Supervisor for electrical installations associated with telecommunications systems. The NICEIC is the UK’s leading voluntary regulatory body for the electrical contracting industry.
ICEE hold this lucrative accreditation for our current and prospective future work in the defence industry. It is an accreditation system for the aerospace, defence and security sectors. The system was established following an initiative led by ADS Group and includes a growing number of prime contractors as registered buyers.
RISQS (Core & Sentinel)
Verified supplier within RISQS (Railway Industry Supplier Qualifications Scheme). RISQS is the supplier pre-qualification service used by buyers of all products and services throughout the UK rail industry. ICEE are also Core and Sentinel audit accredited.
Highway Electrical Registration Scheme accepted registered organisation. HERS sets the training and competence assessments for organisations and individual employees and is the standard for the industry.

Our Commitment to Safety
ICEE’s unwavering commitment to safety is seen across our business, and is a major aspect of all projects we undertake. Our safety practices are managed by our internal QHSSE Team, who ensure all staff are educated with the latest safety information, while ensuring as a company we are highly accredited.
Health & Safety Policy and Statement of Intent
Our health and safety policy showcases our companies commitment to keeping all employees, contractors, customers and the public safe.
Our Policy
ICEE Managed Services Limited regards the promotion of health and safety measures as a mutual objective for Management and Employees at all levels of the business. We have a health and safety management system which is accredited to ISO 45001:2018.
It is, therefore, the Company’s policy to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent personal injury, damage to property and to protect from foreseeable work hazards, its employees and others, including the public, in so far as they come into contact with the Company or its products. Objectives are also set and monitored to drive continual improvement to the safety performance of the company.
In following this policy, the Company will, so far as is reasonably practicable:
- Provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions in compliance with all statutory provisions.
- Provide information, training, instruction and supervision as necessary to enable employees to perform their tasks safely and efficiently.
- Make available any necessary safety device and personal protective equipment.
- Maintain a constant and continuing interest in health and safety matters by consulting and involving employees wherever possible.
- Will collect and use personal data to ensure the health, safety and welfare of its staff and others.
Managers at all levels have a responsibility for the direct implementation of this policy within their specific area of control.
Employees have a duty to co-operate in the operation of this policy by working safely and complying with company procedures, reporting any situation that appears dangerous, reporting all incidents causing damage or injury and making full and proper use of safety equipment provided by the company. The company “Near Miss” system should be utilised when required.
The company will not undertake any disciplinary action against employees who refuse to undertake work (Stop Work Authority!) on reasonable grounds of hazards to their Health, Safety and Welfare. A number of company procedures exist to complement and further clarify points within this policy. These procedures are resident on the ICEE BMS System and are easily accessible.
This policy will be reviewed and if necessary revised should there be any legislative or organisational changes within the company. To ensure this, the policy will be revised annually by the Compliance Lead.
One ICEE “All In”
Environmental Policy Statement
ICEE has a significant commitment to reducing our environmental impacts.
Our Policy
ICEE Managed Services Limited is an established provider of products and services to a wide range of industrial sectors. As an organisation we are committed to minimising the environmental impact of our business activities by utilising sustainable practices and by the implementation of continual improvement principles for the prevention of pollution and for the enhancement of the wider environment.
ICEE Managed Services Limited is committed to protecting the environment by conducting its business activities in an environmentally friendly manner. ICEE Managed Services Limited is committed to the protection of the environment, which includes the limiting and where possible the prevention of pollution. We are committed to meeting and exceeding our company EMS objectives which include the monitoring of paper use in the office, environmental legal reviews, environmental tool box talks roll out, colour ink use, utilities use, improving waste segregation, EMS awareness poster campaigns, communication of our EMS objectives progress to all staff, responsible neighbour throughput and EMS content in the company QHSSE Monthly Brief.
ICEE Managed Services Limited will ensure that it is compliant with any current/forthcoming legal and other related requirements applicable to identified aspects of its business operations.
An Environmental Management System will be documented, implemented and maintained to comply with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015. The setting and review of objectives and targets will be integral to this and be utilised to drive continual improvement of the identified significant aspects.
The context of the organisation and its place in the rapidly evolving world of industry is constantly being analysed in terms of financial, security, partnerships, legal, manufacturing and all related areas. This is all to improve the quality of the work we do to maintain our reputation as an organisation that takes pride in what we do and remains constant as an Environmental Leader.
The ICEE Managed Services Limited Environmental Policy will be communicated to all employees through the organisation’s formal learning activities and intranet facility. The ICEE Managed Services Limited Environmental Policy will also be communicated to its customers and the general public by inclusion on its website.
Employees are reminded that minimising waste is good for the Company and for the environment, and should both co-operate with the environmental initiatives and also make positive suggestions as to how we may improve what we carry out here.
Specifically, individuals are requested to:
- Take account of environmental factors and opportunities in the design and development of products and services.
- Minimise the generation of waste in all areas and consider climate change at every turn.
- Make use of the designated waste containers appropriate for recycling.
- Look for energy savings and opportunities for the use of recyclable materials.
- Act as an example to suppliers and take environmental factors into account in sourcing decisions.
One ICEE “All In”