Martin Letchford


Martin joined the team over fifteen years ago, working as a contractor for ICEE. As a project manager within our Project Delivery Group, Martin’s day-to-day duties include managing ongoing projects with clients, liaising with other internal departments to ensure the project is running smoothly, helping to quote new jobs, and in some cases being out in the field hands on.

Martin enjoys his role as a project manager as “it is actually a fascinating role” and he is “always doing something new”. Within the PDG team, there is a very close working feel, with everybody pitching in to help each other. Martin accredits his long time here with the fact that the company is family run, and how “you can definitely feel that aspect throughout”. Away from work, Martin really enjoys farming, and has a large amount of land in which he grows different things. He has a real passion for tractors, as well as older service vehicles such as land rovers.